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1. What are the 3 ways to extinguish a fire? - d) Cooling, starving and smothering

There must be an appreciation of the three elements that make up the 'fire triangle' to understand how best to extinguish a fire. They are: heat, fuel and oxygen.


  • Cooling - removing heat is one of the most effective methods of fire extinction
  • Starving - starving a blaze of its fuel source is crucial in that a fire will burn itself out if it runs out of flammable materials
  • Smothering - removing oxygen is the final way of extinguishing a fire, e.g. using a fire blanket to smother a frying pan
Click here to view the fire triangle

2. What extinguisher could be used if an electrical device caught fire? - b) CO2

These extinguishers are specifically used for electrical fires, they suffocate the fire by replacing all oxygen in a blaze with carbon dioxide.

IMPORTANT! In your place of work or in public areas you may have noticed different extinguishers e.g. CO2 Water, Foam and Wet Chemical. Knowing the purpose of each and how to use them is very important.

View our fire extinguisher and safety training at GUtech, Oman

3. What are the colours of emergency exit signs? - b) Green and White

IMPORTANT! Do you know where your emergency exits are at work? All staff, visitors etc. should be made aware of where the nearest exits are, with visible signage.

On your next break at work, or when you're in a public space e.g. at a shopping centre, cinema or leisure centre; how many emergency exits can you count?